
Cookware and Recipes You Will Love!!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Great Chocolate Bowls

Yummy Chocolate Fruit Bowls


- Semi Sweet Baking Chocolate or Semi Sweet Chocolate Chips (depending on how many bowls you are planning on making that is how much chocolate you should use).

- Fruit (use whatever fruit you want in the bowls.) I used Black Berries, Strawberries, Apples, and Oranges.

- Whip Cream


1.  First thing to do is temper the chocolate. This is very important to do to make sure the chocolate sets up properly. To temper the chocolate you need to melt the chocolate using a double boiler.

2. Using a candy thermometer get the chocolates temperature up to 118 degrees F. Make sure to stir constantly so that the chocolate melts evenly

3. Once the chocolate reaches a temperature of 118 degrees F. take the chocolate off the boiler and stir in some more chocolate chips to get the temperature back down to 80 degrees F. 

4. After it reaches 88 degrees F. put the chocolate back on the boiler and let the temperate reach 88 degrees F. Make sure to continue to stir it and check the temperature

5. Take the chocolate bowl off the boiler and it is now ready to use. Once chocolate has cooled a bit dip the chocolate into blown up balloons (small water balloon size works wonderful).

6. Now let the chocolate balloons sit for 10 minutes to become solid.  If you messed up while tempering and the chocolate doesn't harden no worries just stick them in the freezer to harden after the 10 minutes.

7. After the 10 minutes clip a small hole in the top of the balloons and SLOWLY let out the air of the balloon. Make sure to peel away the balloon as it deflates.

8 . Feel the chocolate bowl with desired fruit and top with whip cream. ENJOY

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